Justin Verlander became the first pitcher in MLB to reach 20 wins this season,
allowing four runs over six innings Saturday in a 6-4 victory over the Twins.
allowing four runs over six innings Saturday in a 6-4 victory over the Twins.
He didn't have his best stuff in this one, allowing eight hits
(including back-to-back homers to Luke Hughes and Jason Repko of all people)
and three walks, but a win is a win. Verlander has had one previous 19-win season
and two 18-win seasons, but this is the first time he has reached 20 victories in his career
Of course, wins aren't the be all and end all in the Cy Young vote anymore,
but Verlander is plenty deserving regardless.
(including back-to-back homers to Luke Hughes and Jason Repko of all people)
and three walks, but a win is a win. Verlander has had one previous 19-win season
and two 18-win seasons, but this is the first time he has reached 20 victories in his career
Of course, wins aren't the be all and end all in the Cy Young vote anymore,
but Verlander is plenty deserving regardless.
디트로이트 타이거즈의 선발투수 저스틴 벌랜더가 메이저리그 올시즌 처음으로 20승 고지를 밟았습니다.
벌랜더는 오늘 펼쳐진 미네소타 트윈스와의 경기에서 6이닝 4실점 했지만 팀 타선이 폭발하여
자신의 커리어 처음으로 20승이자 메이저리그 올시즌 첫 20승 투수가 되었습니다.
다승 2위는 뉴욕 양키스에 사비시아가 17승을 거두고 있으며,
삼진 부분은 벌랜더가 1위를 질주중이고, 아메리칸 리그 방어율에서는 애인절스에
제러드 위버에 이어서 2위를 달리고 있습니다.
이대로 간다면 사이영상에 가장 가까운 투수가 아닐까 싶습니다.
디트로이트는 지구 2위 클리브랜드와 7게임차 앞서있는 1위를 달리고 있습니다.
기사 / 기록 출처 : 로또월드 / MLB 닷컴
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