According to's Jon Heyman, Magglio Ordonez has re-signed with the Tigers on a one-year, $10 million deal.
Heyman says Maggs turned down two-year offers elsewhere because of his loyalty to Tigers owner Mike Ilitch. That's quite a bit of money to pay for a soon-to-be 37-year-old coming off major ankle surgery whose production has been in decline, but they likely had to up their offer in order to get him to take the one-year pact. Ordonez batted .303/.378/.474 with 12 homers over 323 at-bats in 2010, but he is poor defensively and has averaged less than 400 at-bats the last two years due to injury. Dec. 16 - 1:31 pm et
매글리오 오도네즈가 소속팀인 디트로이트 타이거즈와 1년 1000만달러의 조건으로 재계약을 맺었습니다.
나이가 37살이고, 최근 몇년간 부상으로 고생했지만 건강할시에는 3할 언저리에 타율과 20홈런 80타점 정도는 해줄것이라고
단기계약으로 비교적 잘 잡은듯 보여지네요
보스턴과 텍사스가 관심을 가지고 있었다고 합니다.
홈런 11개면 더 치면 300홈런을 달성하게 됩니다.
기사 / 기록 출처 : 로또월드( / MLB 닷컴(
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