피츠버그 페드로 알바레즈 메이저 승격 예정 / 조쉬 베켓 재활 시작
냉동실을 부탁해,
2010. 6. 15. 01:58
Pirates GM Neal Huntington indicated Sunday that third base prospect Pedro Alvarez could be promoted to the majors this week.
The call-up would move Andy LaRoche to a utility infield role. Alvarez, then, would start at third base. "Our [initial] feel was closer to the end of the month, but Pedro has responded well to the challenge of these other two guys going up," Huntington said Sunday. "Sometimes, players can push those timetables forward because of adjustments they make." Alvarez, 23, has hit .285/.370/.549 with 13 homers and 52 RBI this season in 64 games for Triple-A Indianapolis. He's worth grabbing in mixed leagues.
피츠버그의 단장 닐 헌팅턴이 팀내 3루 최고 유망주 페드로 알바레즈를 이번주에 메이저로 부를 것이라고 합니다.
기존에 3루를 맡고있던 앤디 라로쉬는 내야 백업을 맡을 예정이라고..
알바레즈는 올시즌 트리플 A 인디애나폴리스에서 타율 .285 13홈런 52타점을 기록했습니다.
Josh Beckett (back) played catch from 90 feet on Sunday.
He's progressing nicely. Beckett will next move out to 120 feet before tossing a bullpen session. He posted a 7.29 ERA and a 1.66 WHIP prior to the injury, but hopefully the time off will get him back on track.
레드삭스의 조쉬 베켓이 27미터 거리에서 캐치볼을 시작했습니다.
재활과정은 순조롭고, 곧 36미터 거리에서도 불펜 세션을 진행할 거라고..
올시즌 방어율 7.29을 기록했었습니다.